Dale Melvin Kosier

07/12/1945 - 02/28/2025


Obituary For Dale Melvin Kosier

Dale Melvin Kosier was born in Wadsworth, Ohio July 12, 1945 to Wilma and Verle Kosier (deceased). He grew up on the family farm in Rittman, Ohio. Dale was challenged early on in life by his profound hearing loss, but that did not stop him from working on the farm with his dad or playing football in high school. He started losing vision in his mid-teens. He later was diagnosed as having Ushers II syndrome.

After high school he moved to Montana and attended college there. He married Euda Beckett (deceased) and had 3 daughters. After graduation, he moved to Oregon to attend graduate school at Monmouth, where he graduated with a degree in deaf education.

Dale moved to Bonney Lake WA in 1981 to take a position at Rainier School in Buckley. Dale worked as a deaf/blind educator with the residents there. He also provided education to the staff on using best practices in working with the deaf/blind population, as well as teaching at other state run facilities. He retired after 30 years.

Dale was also very involved in the deaf/blind community in the Seattle area. He was one of the co-founders of the Washington State Deaf/Blind Coalition (WSDBC) in the early 80’s. He attended deaf/blind camps for nearly 40 years, his favorite being at Seabeck, WA.

Dale was at home under hospice care briefly before passing on Feb 28, 2025. He is survived by his wife Patricia, his three daughters Ruth (Rodney), Dawn (Jim) and Arle, and a brother Ray. Dale also had 5 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren.

Dale was a member at Valley Baptist Church in Pacific, WA where he enjoyed drawing closer in his relationship with the Lord. He also enjoyed traveling with his wife Patt whether it be the beaches of Hawaii where they married in 2012, or cruising to far away shores.

Though he will be missed by many, it is comforting to know he is at home with our Lord.

A memorial service will be held on March 22, 2025 at 11 a.m. at the Valley Baptist Church, 304 Frontage Rd N, Pacific, WA 98047.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the:
Seabeck Conference Center
13395 Lagoon Dr NW
Seabeck, Washington 98380
Ph: 360 830-5010


22 Mar

Memorial Service

11:00 AM

Valley Baptist Church 304 Frontage Rd N Pacific, WA 98047 Get Directions »
by Obituary Assistant

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  • 03/25/2025

    Patt so sorry to hear of Dale's gaining his wings. I always enjoyed working with Dale on his many computer projects through the years. So wonderful to know now he can see and hear...such a blessing.

  • 03/18/2025

    Dale and I met for the first time not once, but twice. How's that? The first time we met was in the early 2000s, perhaps 2006. My sister had convinced me to go to Seabeck for the DeafBlind Retreat sponsored by the Seattle Lighthouse for the Blind. At one point during my visit, someone arranged for Dale and me to meet on the front porch at the Inn where all the rocking chairs are. We were both employed and the person who introduced the two of us thought we might have something in common. We chatted for about an hour or two that warm summer like day. After chatting for a bit, we went our separate ways to participate in other activities going on that day. We did not encounter each other during the rest of the retreat. In fact, we did not meet up again for quite awhile. Our rocking chair chat did not seem to make any sort of impression on either of us as we went about our lives. Dale lived in Bonney Lake and I was a resident of Maryland at the time. Eventually I relocated to Washington State in 2008 after retiring. Later, I became a widower in late 2010. Remembering how pleasant Seabeck was in late August, I signed up to attend the 2011 DeafBlind Retreat for a full week. I was told I would be sharing a room with two other individuals. It turns out that one of those two individuals was Dale and that is when we met for the "first" time, again. This time we had more things in common since he had been recently widowed and retired as well. Since we were sharing a room, had more conversations which included our third roommate, Mitch Turbin. Since Dale was a veteran of the DeafBlind retreat, he showed me the ropes, so to speak. We learned that we lived close enough together that we could eventually meet up after the retreat. Dale told me that he was experiencing difficulties with using his computer so I volunteered to help him and paid periodic visits to his Sumner home to see what I could do to help out. After the first couple of visits, we started breaking up the day with lunch out a couple of blocks away from his home. There we discovered we both enjoyed a beer or two with lunch. Later, in 2012, I met Cheryll, my now wife and the four of us, Dale, Pat, Cheryll and I would often get together for meals and outings. We even traveled to Hawaii one year Eventually Dale and I began corresponding via Email. We exchanged opinions on a variety of subjects such as politics, religion, computer access and beer. Later, as we started using smart phones, we would share news articles we were accessing from our News Feed Apps on our new smart phones. Mostly we were civil to each other but occasionally things would get a little contentious but we would always end with saying something like "Let's wait and see what happens." or "Okay, let's agree to disagree, eh?" Dale often would share news items about survival stories of mistreated animals and always expressed how disappointed he was about how people mistreated animals and how pleased he was that the animals found a better place. So now, when I see an article along that line, it seems as though Dale is there still, watching out for them. Dale, I will miss you and all our Email exchanges. Now when I read articles in the News Feed, I say to myself, "I wonder what Dale would think about this." Somehow, I think I can figure out exactly how he would feel about it...or, should I say, "I know how he is feeling about it right now."

  • 03/16/2025

    My sincere condolences to you Patt. Dale was my favorite cousin. RIP Dale. Lynn & Mickey Huff

  • 03/07/2025

    Patt, our condolences go out to you and your family. Margie & David Markus

  • 03/07/2025

    Dale was my BUD during my youth years. He lived in the countryside so we Hunted and target practiced with our BB guns. Helped in harvesting hay and wheat. Broad games and watching "scary " movies on tv Friday nights. In high school we played football (he was a tough defensive tackle). Adulthood made us go our separate ways but a couple of years ago he and Patt visited us here in Columbus. It was a great time for us to catch up! He lived life to the fullest and I'm grateful he was part of my growing up. God bless you Buddy!

  • 03/06/2025

    My condolences to you Patt. Dale was a kind person and I'm glad you guys found each other. My heart goes out to you!

  • 03/05/2025

    Dale was an amazing man. I met him man years ago and his wit & humor will always be part of my memory of him. Patt, thank you for accompanying him on his walk home.

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